How to spend your Summer after exams: podcast

Now the stress of exams are under your belt so enjoy your Summer holiday! After all, when you start university, studying will be well and truly part of your life once again! Our students Katy and Georgia share their tips for making the most of your holiday in this podcast.

You may want to get ready for starting uni, but there's only so much that you can do. Moving away from home will be a big step and will be a whole learning curve in itself, Katy says: "I've never appreciated dishwashers so much in my life than when I came to uni" and Georgia soon learnt that "You make the mess, you clear it up!" - so make the most of being at home and maybe ask your parents for some tips.

You might also want to make the most of other home comforts. You'll need to start thinking about budgeting ahead when you discover the cost of the shopping that you may never have had to do before. "A block of cheese is like, a fiver!" 

If you want to be able to afford those favourite jeans when you start uni, some work in the Summer may be a good idea to help make ends meet when you begin your course. "Don't overwork yourself though, still enjoy yourself!" Isn't that not what the Summer is for?

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