Hollie Sutch

Hollie Sutch

Doctoral researcher

School of Social Sciences

Hollie Sutch is a PhD student at Birmingham City University focusing her research around the presence of extremism online, examining potential risk factors and drivers in order to establish systematic software and prevention strategies to reduce the level of extremism online.

Hollie achieved a first-class in BSc Hons Psychology with Criminology degree in 2018. Hollie first started to research online extremism during her undergraduate dissertation, looking into how anonymity, membership-length and postage frequency act as predictors of online extremism. On the completion of the dissertation, it was evident that there were further avenues of research that needed be addressed, therefore Hollie decided to explore options to continue to research this area and began her funded doctoral degree in September 2018.  Since starting the PhD, Hollie's undergraduate dissertation has been published in The International Journal of Criminology. Hollie has also had the opportunity to conduct funded research looking into extremist material on social media alongside her supervisors Dr Pelham Carter and Professor Imran Awan for the Commission for Countering Extremism. For this paper, Hollie and her supervisors were required to attend a focused conference organised by the commission. This research paper was published but the commission for countering extremism and was also used within a report on challenging hateful extremism, developed by the commission to inform policy.

Hollie currently holds a research assistant position, working on an ESRC funded project looking into the drivers of the Islamophobic infodemic communications on social media during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Links and Social Media