How do registered health and social care practitioners change their practice post Mental Capacity Act training?

Identifying training strategies and determining how registered health and social care practitioners change their practice post Mental Capacity Act training. 

Mental health capacity training


Research background

The Mental Capacity Act is widely misunderstood and the implementation is poor. Training is proposed as a solution to this problem, but the nature of training that will positively impact on practice remains unknown. This review aims to address this gap in the evidence base. The review is registered with PROSPERO: 14.5.18 PROSPERO Systematic review registration: How do registered health and social care practitioners who have attended Mental Capacity Act Training change their practice post-training?

Research aims

To identify training strategies and determine how registered health and social care practitioners change their practice post Mental Capacity Act training. 

Research methods

We searched and screened empirical studies of any design investigating Mental Capacity Act training. Data were extracted to a bespoke spreadsheet and quality assessed. Reporting followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses, (PRISMA).

Research outcomes

The paper from this narrative review is currently in the review system and we hope it will be published early in 2020.