Policy for reporting pregnancy

If students become pregnant while registered on the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography programme, they are required to notify their academic Programme Director in writing (via a formal letter) as soon as they become aware that they are pregnant (Irr99 Regulation 14(c)).

This is important because the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 state that the University should be informed as it will need to take into consideration and possibly take some action regarding students clinical placement or skills activity timetable. If students do not inform the University we will be unable to adjust their placement or skills activity if we are not informed. This may have potentially detrimental consequences if students have been allocated to an area where radiation doses in medical imaging are higher than normal e.g. fluoroscopy or catheter lab procedures (these examples are not exclusive), unsealed source, theatre or brachytherapy areas.

A risk assessment must also be undertaken in the clinical department to which students are allocated. This is to ensure that the safety of the student and their unborn baby are being considered as paramount importance. The risk assessment will enable the University to decide on any dose restriction measures and assess the risks involved to ensure that the dose to the foetus does not exceed 1 mSv (IRR99 Regulation 8 (5)).

All information will be treated confidentially however there are additional key staff who will need to be informed, these are:

  • Radiation Protection Supervisor
  • Radiography Placement Department Manager
  • Personal Tutor.

If you have any queries please contact us.