Education journal magazine

Welcome to the Birmingham City University (BCU) Education Journal Magazine (EJM). We are excited to be publishing ten fantastic articles from across our education degrees and partnership in this editionEJM .

As we are all aware, 2020 has proven to be a very challenging year for everybody, regardless of who they are and what they do. Education in particular has faced its own challenges, remaining open throughout a national lockdown and for schools to plan for this within a very short time frame. How schools move forwards with current social distancing guidelines has also proven to be challenging; so hopefully this publication can offer some support, ideas and suggestions on how you could reflect and develop your own practice moving forwards..

The role of the EJM is not just for the university to publish. We strongly recommend you contact if you are interested in contributing an article to the EJM. This is a ‘partnership’ publication.You can download the  Contributors guidance for BCU EJM articles  here. 

The BCU Education Journal Magazine is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND 4.0. See Creative Commons Licence page for details.

Education Journal Magazines

Download the magazines below: 

Volume 4 (2023/24)
Volume 3 (2022/23)
Volume 2 (2021/22)
Volume 1 (2020/21)