Jennifer Whitford

Senior Lecturer

School of Education and Social Work
0121 331 7614

Jennifer has taught Religious Education at Key Stages 3, 4, and 5, enjoying building a rich and engaging curriculum covering a range of theological, ethical and philosophical content. Beyond leading curriculum development in her department and pupils in the classroom, her professional experience has included subject based enrichment, managing compulsory RE at Key Stage 5 through General RE and subsequently the Extended Project Qualification, and supporting school retreats and pilgrimages. This experience includes work in a faith school setting, single academy and multi-academy chain.

At first gaining experience of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) through mentoring trainees in school, she joined BCU as RE Subject Lead for Secondary ITE courses. She is passionate that pupils’ experience of education should include the space to engage with cultures, traditions and religions, and the opportunity to reflect on their own growing understanding of the world and their place in it. To support this, RE trainees are encouraged to gain an understanding of pupils’ views and experiences and sustain their lessons with reference to local, national and international events and a range of models of enquiry. Beyond the individual subject setting, Jennifer supports trainees in her role as Research Lead for Trainee Access and Engagement, and membership of the Faculty Academic Ethics Committee. 

Postgraduate Supervision