Arriving in the UK

  • Autumn

    Autumn: September - November

  • Winter

    Winter: December - February

  • Spring

    Spring: March - July

  • Summer

    Summer: June - August

Packing your bag

The British climate is unpredictable, which means that cold, windy and wet weather can happen at any time of the year.

It is rarely hotter than 30°C at the warmest times of the year and temperatures can drop below 0°C during the winter months. This means you will need warm and waterproof clothing for your stay in the UK, which you can easily buy when you get here.

Dress at the University is generally informal but we suggest that you have a smart outfit for some of our more formal events.

Other essentials

Whether you are staying in Halls of Residence or privately rented accommodation, you’ll need the following:

  • Towels
  • Bed linen: sheets, duvet/pillow covers
  • Some kitchen equipment such as cutlery, crockery and pans

We suggest that you buy most items when you arrive in Birmingham. Don’t forget to pack photos of your family and friends as reminders of home!

What to bring to the UK

  1. Driving Licence -  If you have one
  2. Credit card - this will come in useful while you set up your UK bank account
  3. Photocopies of passports and other important documents - The may be needed if you lose the originals
  4. Money (UK Sterling) - We'd recommend you bring no more than £500 in cash to avoid money being lost of stolen.
  5. Prescribed drugs or medicine - You'll also need to bring a letter from your doctor explaining what the medicine is for in case you need more.
  6. Toiletries and personal items - For example toothpaste, shampoo etc.
  7. Laptop or music player - Make sure you bring your receipt detailing when and where you bought the item as customs may want to verify it’s for your personal use
  8. Bilingual dictionary - this will help you communicate
  9. Warm clothes and National dress
  10. Camera - To capture your best moments