Verification of studies

Verification services are provided for students who have either completed part of or all of their course. They confirm your course title, study dates, award obtained and classification.

Current students

If you are currently studying and are yet to receive your award, the following letters can be requested directly via the MySRS portal by selecting ‘Request Formal Letter’ on the home page:

  • Council Tax Exemption certificate (this letter is only available if you are a full-time student without any outstanding financial balances on your record)
  • Proof of Enrolment letter
  • Proof of Enrolment with Modules Studied letter
  • Proof of Enrolment for Bank/Visa Support letter

All letters will be emailed as an attachment to your BCU email address. For any other information about your course, please contact your Faculty Student Centre.

Recent graduates

For graduates awarded within the last 12 months, this letter can be requested directly via the MySRS portal by selecting 'Award' from the Graduation tab. This will be emailed as an attachment to your BCU and personal email addresses. If you have access to your MySRS portal, please refrain from completing the form and self-request this letter via MySRS.

If you require more detailed information to be confirmed, such as working hours, placement information or a character reference by someone who knows you personally, we will be required to get in touch with your Faculty Student Centre as the Student Lifecyle team does not have access to this level of information. This may delay our ability to complete a request within 10 working days.

Please be aware that bespoke letter requests may not always be possible to accommodate.

Former students

We are unable to provide you with a replacement transcript as the University changed record systems during this year and not all information regarding modules and marks were retained in our archives.

Whilst we cannot offer you a formal Transcript, if your modules have been retained these can be added to a verification letter, but this is subject to the information held in our archives and there is no guarantee that we will be able to provide a historical verification of study letter or module information.

If you require a replacement CNAA award document for awards prior to 1992, these can be obtained from Open University CNAA Aftercare.

Verification Letter request

To request a Verification letter please complete the below form. Once you have submitted your form, you will receive an email within 30 working days requesting proof of ID once your application has been approved.

We do not offer verification letters or confirmation of award for students who have a financial obligation to the University.

Verification Letter request form
Date of birth
Do you want this sent to a third-party member on your behalf?

More information

Certificates, transcripts and verifications

How to request replacement printed and digital certificates, transcripts as well as verifications of study.

Find out more


BCU can provide proof of study, course title and award, as well as a reference completed by someone who knows you personally.

Find out more

Accessing BCU systems

Alumni can continue to access services on the University system for 24 months after the completion of their course using a BCU email address.

Find out more