Identical twins graduate together and secure jobs at same school

University News Last updated 12 January 2016

Two Birmingham sisters are keeping it in the family as they graduate from Birmingham City University this week and celebrate securing jobs at the same school.

Identical twins Anneka and Sanya Hoque, from Yardley in Birmingham, are no strangers to working together. Having both decided to pursue a career in teaching, they progressed through an Early Years course at college before studying for a degree in Primary Education at Birmingham City University.

Graduation Ceremonies

Birmingham City University

Both Anneka and Sanya have secured teaching positions at Adderley Primary School in Saltley, Birmingham.

“We’ve always been very close and although we were in different groups on our University course, we still helped each other out a lot and then when we went on placements at different schools, we were able to compare ideas and experiences”, said Anneka.

“We both applied for positions at the same school and thought if one of us gets it we’d be pleased. We didn’t expect to get roles at the same school but we’re so happy to stay together”, added Sanya.

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