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Ian Chell MSc FSRP, is the visiting lecturer working with Viji on the Medical Device module.
Ian is an experienced x-ray and medical engineer who obtained his Master of Science in Medical Electronics and Physics at St Barts Medical School, now QM Westfield.
Ian started his career in 1976 as an apprentice with Siemens Energy which is about industrial controls including high power and high voltage systems.
He then moved into the medical group as an x-ray engineer and worked on a broad range of equipment and had many product training courses in Germany.
In 1998 after 22 years with Siemens, Ian moved to the Medical Devices Agency (now MHRA) as a Medical Device Specialist, investigating adverse incidents. During this time, he also produced MEIGaN, a guidance which was a radical change to the way x-ray room wiring was standardised.
In 2004, Ian was promoted to the main Dept of Health as the Policy Lead for Radiations where he stayed until early retirement in 2017. During his time there, he made regulations including the policy development for the latest IR(ME)R17 regulations. He also had a role to play in shaping the Ambulance Service radiation working policy following the terrorist attacks in 2005.
Ian’s wide experience will give you unrivalled lectures and notes to give you the cutting edge relevant information for medical devices in general.
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