
Louisa Cherry


Louisa Cherry is a final year Fine Art student. Her inspiring project attempts to visualise the feeling of memories through a combination of different art mediums. 

Fine Art - BA (Hons)

Give us a brief overview of your project

I am investigating the notion of memory. I am attempting to address the primary question of: how can you make the intangible and inherently internal concept of memories visual? Drawing inspiration from theories surrounding phenomenology and the concept of trace, I am making works that evoke impressions of memory through layering, blurring and overexposing imagery.

Why did you choose this concept?

I decided to choose this as my project as I have always been drawn to ideas of nostalgia, childhood, and memory. Throughout my life I have often found inspiration from looking back at my past experiences and looking through old photographs and family archives. Also, I think this speculative process of reflection can be helpful in generating new perspectives and ways of thinking.

What processes have you been using?

I primarily work through painting, drawing and printmaking, as I find these mediums give me the freedom to translate my ideas into imagery. Recently, I have begun experimenting with making cyanotypes, which is photographic printing technique that creates distinctive blue prints using light. I have been exploring ways in which this printmaking technique can be merged with painting, using various different transparent fabrics as supports, such as voile, silk and organza. This combination of materials helps me to create quiet and delicate works that evoke the act of recollection.

What do you hope to achieve with your project?

With this project I hope to create works that form a space for reflection and generate an emotional response. While a lot of my practice draws from personal themes and ideas, I hope whoever sees it can relate to it in some way or find their own meaning within it.

How has your course helped you to prepare for working on your project?

My course has been really formative in the development of my artistic practice and ideas throughout my degree. I have found the constant support and advice from my tutors and lecturers has really helped me to push my ideas. Also, having access to the workshops and facilities has meant I have tried new techniques and processes and developed skills in areas I wouldn't have been able to try before!