Provocations: A Voice For The Voiceless

Provocations: A Voice for the Voiceless
Date and time
15 Jul 2021 4pm - 6pm




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A CEDIA programme, in partnership with Georgiou&Tolley of cross-cultural provocations, featuring audio-visual statements and manifestos from a range of international and regional artists.

Set within wider social, professional and educational contexts, the ambition of this event is to raise awareness and promote a better understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion issues from a global and local perspective.


The format is a four-minute artist statement/provocation, followed by a summary and discussion. It will be hosted by Darryl Georgiou and Rebekah Tolley-Georgiou. You can find out more information via their Twitter profile.

Artists participating

  • Anum Jamal (artist and educator), Pakistan/Canada
  • Yoon Suok Won (video artist /educator), South Korea
  • Nelson Douglas (photographer), Wolverhampton/London
  • Plus student submissions from an open call.