Chat to our students


If you’re wondering what university will be like, when placements might be or just generally interested about student life then we’re here to help. 

Over the next few weeks, you may receive a call from a student who is studying on your chosen course to answer any questions you might have. We know that taking a call from an unknown number might be daunting, so we’ve put together the below tips to help you get the most out of your call.

When might I get a call?

The students usually call on a weekday evening as we’ve figured that’s when you might have some availability.

What happens if I miss the call?

If you miss the call, then the student will leave a voice message to let you know that they have called. If you can return the call that same day then you will be able to speak to the student, however if you call the number back after that day you will get through to the marketing team who will only be able to take questions and/or let you know the student's next earliest availability.

If you miss the call and do not call back then we may call you again, usually 48 hours after the initial call and then the following week after the second call. We will only call you a maximum of three times so if you do not answer or return the call by then we will not persist with trying to contact you.

What if I can’t talk?

If you can’t talk for very long when the student calls then simply let them know and ask them to call you back at a more suitable time that day. If you can’t do that same day then you can re-arrange for a call back another day, but this might not always be the immediate day after. It is worth answering the call to let the student know this if you want to talk but can’t for very long so that they know to try you again.

I can’t really think of anything to ask

Don’t think you have anything to say or ask? That’s ok, you can just use the call for a friendly and informal chat, don’t feel pressured into feeling you have to have a list of questions ready and remember - no question is a silly question so please do use this opportunity to ask anything you’d like.

Some helpful suggestions to guide your possible questions could be - 

  • Facilities such as our Parkside studios, library and study spaces
  • Time spent in uni
  • Placements
  • Working and studying
  • Student life
  • How best to prepare for the course?
  • Sports clubs/societies
  • Living in Birmingham
  • Travel to campus
  • Accommodation
  • Student support

Of course, the student will only have their own personal experience to go by so might not always know the answer straight away, but rest assured that if they don’t immediately know the answer, they will get it for you.

Will this call affect my application?

Your application will in no way be affected by this call, it is simply a courtesy call to answer any questions you might have about the course.