Five side hustles to start at uni

If you don’t have time for a part-time job at university, there are plenty of other ways to make some extra money. Starting a side hustle can give you an extra income that’s flexible and easy to manage with your uni timetable.

1. Start a second-hand side hustle

The old saying ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ has never been more true! With more and more people buying second-hand to save the environment and their money, now is a great time to sell the clothes you don’t wear.

Have a rummage through your wardrobe and pop anything you don’t wear anymore on Vinted, Depop or eBay.

2. Turn your old textbooks into cash

Textbooks aren’t cheap, so once you’re finished with them get some of your money back by selling them on eBay. If they’re in good condition, then there’s a good chance another student will be happy to grab a bargain!

3. Get paid to pet sit

If you know someone with a pet or home that they don’t want to leave unoccupied whilst they’re on holiday or at work then asking to keep an eye on them can be an easy way to earn a bit of cash.

Also, look out online for pet and house-sitting opportunities. People often want someone to check in on their cat, fish, parrot, and every type of animal you can imagine, so if you’re an animal lover, this one’s for you.

4. Let your creative side out

If you’ve got a creative flair, then why not put it to good use and sell your creations? Painting, crocheting or making jewellery can earn you some extra cash on Etsy or Depop.

You can earn even more money if you create a buzz on TikTok and Instagram about your products that will bring customers in.

5. Give freelance a go

Use the skills you’re developing at uni to sell your work on a freelance platform like Fiverr or PeoplePerHour. Businesses and individuals can use these freelance platforms to find graphic designers, web developers, copywriters and other skilled individuals to complete a task for them.

If your portfolio and profile are on one of these platforms, you can be selected for a job and earn some cash. Plus, gaining this professional experience is great for your CV!

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