Mohammad Mayouf

Name: Mohammad Mayouf

Research Title: Incorporating building operation in design in BIM (Building Information Modelling)

Name of Director of Studies: Prof. David Boyd

Key Contact Details - Email:

About the Project: Building performance has been an area of interest for many researchers, where the way buildings are evaluated depends on the perspective of those involved (designers, facility managers and users). Many approaches have been developed to assess building performance but they are often time consuming, costly and unable to manage large amounts of data and so their application became limited and more theory-based rather practical.

Thus, a need for more manageable and cost effective tools and approaches has arisen. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has positively contributed towards aspects of building performance such as sustainability and providing energy performance analysis. However, building performance in BIM representation has mostly served the designer’s perspective rather than those involved in the whole building life cycle (such as facility managers and users). This research aims to develop a multi-perspective model to measure building performance in the BIM environment which will enhance the overall view of building performance and make its measurement more efficient.

Research Activities: The research will begin with a literature review about building performance evaluation practices, drawing emphasis on some performances (not finalised yet), where this will consider designers’ evaluation and factors, but will mainly favour users and facility managers.

The following stage is to conduct interviews with people from the industry in order to determine the information required to evaluate the selected performances for the research (inputs). At this stage, it is important to determine these information inputs that BIM can integrate in order to avoid inadequacies.

This is followed by a pilot model which will be developed to deliver the desired multi-perspective view of building performance evaluation. This model will be tested in terms of its use and functionality in order to validate it, and highlight any necessary changes that affect its accuracy.

Finally, developing the model and testing it will allow the opportunity to develop a framework for information management and to represent a new dimension into evaluation of building performance in order to achieve overall satisfaction and deliver an efficient whole building life cycle analysis.

Findings: (Still In Progress)
The information included within traditional building performance serves a single perspective and this impacts those involved in the life cycle of the building (facility managers and users).

The model developed will consider factors which could not be assessed in the evaluation of building performance. Moreover, through the multi-perspective view, the model will allow an early detection of any errors or missing inputs, and help to apply several scenarios that can occur which will positively impact the delivery of high standard efficient building. The research can later be extended to cover aspects related to sustainability and more complex buildings.


Working paper:
Mayouf, M. and Boyd, D. (2013) Exploring The Problematical Nature of Building Performance For BIM Representation, UK. ARCOM Doctoral Workshop on BIM Management and Interoperability. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.

Journal paper:
Aranyi, G., Mayouf, M. and Van Schaik, P. (2013) ‘3-D route-planning support for navigation in a complex indoor environment’, Behaviour and Information Technology (not published yet).