Industry experts discuss Brexit’s impact on British Agriculture


Experts joined forces at the Centre for Brexit Studies Brexit Breakfast event this week to share their knowledge, thoughts and views around Brexit’s impact on British agriculture and farming at the launch of new book Farmageddon?

The event, which took place at The Clubhouse St James’s in London, was hosted by John Mair, former current affairs producer, Journalism lecturer and Visiting Professor at the Centre for Brexit Studies.

The event provided an insightful and interesting discussion with our panel members to discuss Farmageddon?, giving attendees the chance to learn more about the sector and what it means for their industry, as well as find out more about the Bite-Size book and what they can expect to enjoy whilst reading it.

Edited by Caroline Stocks and John Mair, Farmageddon? explores both paths that Brexit could mean for Agriculture in the UK. Being an underexplored issue in the ‘Great Brexit Debate’, this book remedies that and puts the industry, which will impact a huge amount of businesses across Britain, in the frame.

Find out more about the book here

The panel members included Caroline Stocks, editor of the book and Award-winning agricultural journalist with 15 years’ experience writing about food, farming and the environment for national and international publications.

Other panel members included Sir Peter Kendall, fifth-generation arable and poultry farmer, former president of the National Farmers Union and Chairman of the AHDB, and Stephen Carr, Private Eye columnist who works under the pseudonym of 'Bio-Waste Spreader' and has written the Agri Brigade column for the past 10 years. Stephen also regularly writes for Farmers Weekly and South East Farmer, and is a Farmer himself in East Sussex.

The panel discussion is now available to watch:

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