Centre to conduct research into Universal Basic Income


Birmingham City University's Centre for Brexit Studies are conducting research into the idea of Universal Basic Income in the West Midlands.

The Centre are keen to hear views from residents in Dudley, West Bromwich, Walsall and Northfield on Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Universal Basic Income, the idea of a regular cash payment made to everyone in society, has shot up the political agenda as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changing world of work. Supporters claim it can be the foundation of a new social contract post-COVID.

The Centre want to find out what people think about UBI, what people would do with it, and what questions people have. If you’d like to share your opinions around UBI, the Centre are keen to talk to you.

Register today to take part in an online Focus Group, in collaboration with the Basic Income Conversation. The focus group will take place for around an hour and all responses will be anonymised, with your identity confidential. Any published results arising from the research will not enable individuals to be identified.

Register via the Eventbrite pages below:

Dudley – Wednesday 25 November, 7.00pm. Register here.
West Bromwich – Thursday 26 November, 7.00pm. Register here.
Walsall – Wednesday 2 December, 7.00pm. Register here.
Northfield – Thursday 3 December, 7.00pm. Register here.

To find out more about the research, contact us today.

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