A Universal Basic Income: A Right, Not a Benefit


The ongoing Coronavirus crisis has raised many questions around employment in the UK and what simply doesn’t work during times of uncertainty.

In the next Centre for Brexit Studies YouTube Live video, Director Professor Alex de Ruyter will make the case for a Universal Basic Income, using the State Pension as a ‘benchmark’.

The current Covid-19 pandemic has shone a cruel light on the fact that millions of people in the UK have lost their jobs and are now being forced to rely on the benefits system. For the self-employed, it could be even worse, as if they were to fall sick, many may still have to work if the choice is between working and not being able to eat and afford essentials.

Professor de Ruyter will argue that a Basic Income could be funded with an overhaul of the benefits system and closing down tax loopholes.

The talk is the second in a series of YouTube live videos that the Centre for Brexit Studies will be hosting during this uncertain time, covering the impact that COVID-19 and Brexit could have on the UK.

Viewers are encouraged to share their thoughts on social media with the hashtag #CBSIncome

The discussion will take place on the Centre for Brexit Studies YouTube channel from 11am on Friday 24 April.

Watch the discussion live here.

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