Viola Bow

Catalogue number: 10.20

Original name: Viola bow.

Maker: Ascribed to John Dodd (1752-1839).

Technical description: Round stick with broad Cramer-style head without facing. Open hourglass ivory frog with anvil heel, and octagonal ivory button. Previous lapping marks can be seen on the stick.

Overall size: 726mm.

Weight: 56g.

Hair length: 638mm.

Balance point: 286mm.

Head height: 21.5mm.

Head width: 10.5 – 3mm.

Head face length: 30mm.

Frog diameter: 10.5mm.

Frog height: 20 – 21mm.

Stick width: 9 – 5.5mm.

Button length: 14mm.

Inscription: Stamped “DODD” on thumb side of stick above the frog, and “DODD” on the bottom of the frog on the finger side.

Faults: Frog nose broken off. There is a small crack along the top of the frog on the thumb side.

Illustration references: See below.

Previous owner: E. S. Fry.

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