Violin Bow

Catalogue number: 10.15

Original name: Violin bow.

Maker: John Dodd (1752-1839), c.1820 or later.

Technical description: Round stick with modern head. Square shaped ebony head face and tip (added later). Square ivory frog with golf ferrule and three piece gold and ivory button, solid gold tip. Ivory slider and back plate.

Overall size: 730mm.

Weight: 52g.

Hair length: 630mm.

Balance point: 256mm.

Head height: 23mm.

Head width: 10 – 2.5mm.

Head face length: 25mm.

Frog diameter: 11 – 11.5mm (back to front).

Frog height: 20mm.

Stick width: 8 – 5mm.

Button length: 15mm.

Ferrule width: 7mm.

Inscription: Stamped “DODD”.

Faults: Head face pearl inset missing.

Performance characteristics: Doesn’t come off the string as well and is more wispy in character than other early- to mid-19 Century bows.

Illustration references: See below.

Recording references: Click here

Previous owner: E. S. Fry.

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