Unsure on what Clearing is?

Clearing offers you a chance to find a full-time undergraduate course to start this September.

How does Clearing work?

A university will publish a list of the courses which have places available to start in the coming September. We list our courses from the beginning of July. As soon as you have your exam results, you can apply for the course either online or by calling the university’s Clearing hotline which opens on A Level Results Day, 15 August 2024.

If you have the required exam results for the course, you can be made an offer in Clearing. Once you have been made an offer, you will receive an email from the university which explains what you need to do next to accept your offer and make arrangements for student finance or accommodation if you need it.

Who can apply in Clearing?

There are many reasons why you might want to apply for university in Clearing.

  • Your exam results are worse than you expected
  • You decide to apply at the last minute
  • You change your mind about the course you’ve already applied for
  • Your exam results are better than you expected – this is known as Adjustment

When does Clearing start?

Clearing starts at the beginning of July each year. If you have your exam results you can apply straight away, however, if you don't, you will need to wait until A Level Results Day on Thursday 15 August to be able to apply. We advise you to research your course options early though so that you are prepared when A Level Results Day arrives.

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