Could Brexit trade talks improve by December?


Centre for Brexit Studies Director Professor Alex de Ruyter has discussed if Brexit trade talks could improve in time for the December deadline.

His comments come after Downing Street played down the prospect of reaching a trade deal with the EU in time for December, saying it will be “very difficult”, and blaming Brussels’ insistence on tackling tough issues upfront.

With the government urging firms to sign up for a scheme to create work placements for young people who are at risk of becoming long-term unemployed, just as many companies are shrinking their workforces. Professor de Ruyter discussed if this action could be what is needed to prevent a ‘lost generation’ of young people.

In a video shared today, Alex also discussed when another Scottish independent referendum could happen, and if we could be approaching the break-up of the UK in the next few years, after Nicola Sturgeon announced a draft bill will be drawn up setting out the timing, terms and question for a new Scottish independence referendum. 

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