Centre Director fact checks the latest Brexit news


Centre for Brexit Studies Director Professor Alex de Ruyter will be sharing his knowledge and expertise on Brexit in monthly ‘fact checking’ videos, where he will inform viewers if the latest Brexit claims are fact or fiction.

In a short video shared today, Professor Alex de Ruyter discussed the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit ending up in Supreme Court, and if Boris Johnson’s claims of an early US Trade Deal are a breach of EU Law.

Professor Alex de Ruyter also analysed the news around a no-deal Brexit leaving the UK at the ‘mercy of the French’, and if Jeremy Hunt’s and Boris Johnson’s claims of when the UK would leave the EU are likely.

The fact checking videos are just one of the ways the Centre for Brexit Studies is aiming to set the drama of Brexit aside and focus on the facts.

Professor Alex de Ruyter, alongside Centre for Brexit Studies Researcher David Hearne, also analyse a series of news articles a day and share their thoughts, knowledge and expertise on the Centre for Brexit Studies Twitter

The first video is available now to watch below! 

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