With the news announced today that Government are to ask the Queen to suspend Parliament, Centre for Brexit Studies Researcher David Hearne is sharing his expertise and knowledge around this news in a video released by the Centre today.
In the video, the expert shares his views on why this is happening and what he thinks Boris Johnson and his colleagues are aiming to achieve. David also discusses just how democratic this move is, and how the Queen will be approaching this news. In the video, the Researcher shares his concerns around the move, and what the Queen is likely to do.
He said: “This is a fairly flagrant attempt to try and ensure that he rams through some form of Brexit, whether that is a question of going back to the EU and making minor changes to the backstop made, or whether it’s a question of trying to force through No Deal. It is a flagrant attempt to bypass parliament and historically, that’s quite worrying.”
He continued: “The Queen will simply follow the advice from her ministers and she will simply act on the advice that she’s given. My understanding is that any legal challenge would be to the nature of that advice, and not to the fact that the Queen exercise her right and power in Parliament. The Queen will want to avoid being dragged into this, and will just do what her ministers suggest.”
David also shares his expertise on if this news puts us one step further towards a No Deal Brexit, and what the next move from MPs could be.