University News Last updated 07 March 2023

Lynsey Melville, Professor of Environmental Engineering at Birmingham City University, has been featured in a newly-released book about engineers who are changing the world.
Launched on World Book Day (Thursday 2 March), Engineers Making a Difference: Inventors, Technicians, Scientists and Tech Entrepreneurs Changing the World, and How You Can Join Them features Professor Melville’s work on recovering energy and valuable products, such as nutrients from organic waste.
Authored by award-winning TV presenter and producer Dr Shini Somara, the illustrated book is comprised of role model profiles from across the engineering industry, with 12 chapters ranging from the environment to robots, and from communications to entertainment.
It features 46 engineers from across the country who use their problem-solving skills to address the biggest challenges the world faces, from creating clean energy to designing prosthetic limbs, from eliminating food shortages to programming AI, to exploring the surface of Mars.
The book is aimed at 12–15-year-olds who are considering their future educational and career choices, and two copies of the book are being sent, free of charge, to every secondary school in the UK. It has been published in collaboration with Imperial College London and The Gatsby Foundation, founded by Lord Sainsbury.
Professor Melville’s research is featured alongside the work of Earthshot Prize winner Pierre Paslier, Space Physicist Professor Michelle Dougherty and Rollercoaster Engineer Michelle Hick.
Professor Melville leads the Bioresource and Bioeconomy Research Group in CEBE.