
Find out more about the key publications concerning the Critical Artistic Thinking in Design research centre.

CATiD publications

Key publications

National Park for the West Midlands

- Professor Kathryn Moore recently gave a presentation of the National Park for the West Midlands to the West Midlands Combined Authority Environment and Energy Board

-  Landscape and Infrastructure, information on the 2018 National Park for the West Midlands conference and exhibition

Creating a National Park proposal and guidance

- West Midlands: A New 21st Century Identity, more information on the National Park project

- A National Park for the West Midlands, article by Anastasia in Impakter Magazine

Tame Valley Landscape Vision and Development

- Tame Valley Landscape Vision and Development, information and guidance by Kathryn Moore

Critical Artistic Thinking in Design

The Art of Design: From Philosophy to Practice - Encompassing a range of important research findings, landscape visions, drawings, exhibitions and more, all focused on our key research projects. 

IFLA World Congress 2019 - book of abstracts, including work from Anastasia 

- Rising to the Climate Crisis, a guide for local authorities on planning for climate change

- Facing climate change: a guide for local authorities, a piece by Anastasia in Impakter Magazine

- A Low Carbon Landscape, article by Anastasia in Impakter Magazine

Find out more about media appearances concerning the Critical Artistic Thinking in Design research centre.

TV, radio and press coverage

National Park for the West Midlands
BBC Sounds: Professor Kathryn Moore features on the Costing the Earth show (interview from 23 minutes).
- The Guardian: Kathryn Moore discusses the National Park project and how it will benefit the region.
Digbeth Conversations: A lively discussion of the urban regeneration of Birmingham, including the National Park.
BBC Midlands Today: Suzanne Virdee takes a closer look at the National Park in the West Midlands project.
Birmingham Local: Professor Kathryn Moore discusses the National Park project with the local news.
- Impakter Magazine: A feature from January 2020 on the National Park project.
- Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce: A news article describing the National Park project receiving the green light.
- West Midlands Combined Authorities: News article about the National Park project.
Ordnance Survey: Information from July 2019 on the re imagined National Park.
Green Space and Us: Engage with posts, links and more on the National Park project.
Dame Caroline Spelman MP: Caroline writes about the National Park and its importance to the region.
Birmingham Updates: Article on the exciting plans to create the National Park.
Critical Artistic Thinking in Design

- The Times: Article from Andy Street, Mayor, on addressing the air pollution crisis in the Midlands.

- The Journal of the Landscape Institute: Kathryn Moore is listed as one of the nine most inspirational women in the landscape profession (page 51).

- Claudia Carter editorial: Claudia, a lecturer within the CATiD research centre, discusses air pollution and more.

- Europe Breaking News: Kathryn Moore discusses Brexit and its aftermaths in this article from February, 2020.