Social Work

High-quality social work education and the development of high-quality social work practice are inextricably linked. We believe that they are an essential part of the ongoing response that is required to prevent, address and improve social challenges.

Our aim is to produce social work practitioners who are skilled, evidence-informed, resilient and empowering and who have the knowledge, values, ethics and leadership qualities to work effectively alongside service users, carers and other professionals in order to achieve excellent outcomes.

We provide a number of courses:

We are successful by integrating academic and practice-learning consciously prepared through close collaboration between academics who remain contemporary and dynamic, and practice educators who meet the College of Social Work, Practice Education Professional Standards. Considerable value is added by our involvement of students, service users, carers, employers, qualified social workers and other relevant professionals in our programme design, delivery and evaluation. Our courses are enriched by taking on board best social work practice in the UK, expertise from other disciplines and international perspectives and developments.

Remaining open to innovation and change, we value the student as an engaged individual throughout their academic journey. Working within the principles of adult learning there is an expectation that students will demonstrate personal and professional accountability, while being respected for what they bring and contribute from their own life and work experiences. Employing a wide range of teaching and learning methodologies, aligned with modern assessment strategies, we provide a reflective, student-centred approach to learning that will facilitate the development of adaptable, lifelong learners, capable of independent practice.