Immersive Classroom

An immersive classroom is the latest addition to the many approaches to simulation based learning that the Faculty already supports. We have recently commissioned the install of an immersive classroom environment that utilizes the system supported by Immersive Interactive

The classroom enables panoramic, interactive images to be displayed on three walls, providing a context rich environment within which simulation based learning can take place. Immediate applications of the immersive classroom will be to support our paramedic training courses. This application will also be the subject of research exploring the effectiveness of immersive environments within paramedic education.

OSIME will be providing support for the creation of bespoke media to be displayed within the classroom using the immersive technology extending the value of this to other courses in the Faculty.

Academic Leads:
  • Clair Brackstone – School Academic Lead;  
  • 3D Lead: Mark Richards – 3D Designer