Dr Tatiana Grieshofer (formerly Tkacukova)

Tatiana Grieshofer

Reader in Language and Law

School of English

Dr Tatiana Grieshofer (formerly Tkacukova) is Reader in Language and Law at Birmingham City University. Tatiana’s empirically driven quantitative and qualitative research explores a wide range of language and communication related topics within family, civil, tribunal and criminal legal settings, with a specific interest on the interplay between legal and lay communication styles during pre-court and court stages of legal proceedings.

Tatiana is experienced in applying mixed methods approaches grounded in linguistics, law and social sciences (corpus linguistics, content analysis, survey and interview data, discourse analysis, ethnographic methods, conversation analysis) in order to advance the theoretical grounding across several disciplines and explore societally relevant research agenda. Her interdisciplinary research has featured across linguistics and law publishing outlets and contributed to expanding applied linguistics and socio-legal studies scholarship.

Tatiana has led a number of research projects and research programmes funded by EU Marie Curie actions, BA/Leverhulme, AHRC and ESRC schemes. The research themes explored include social justice, procedural justice, legal-lay discourse, court digitisation practices, provision of legal information and advice on social media, narrativisation and elicitation strategies in legal proceedings, the discourse of police interviews, public legal education. Tatiana’s research aims to enhance access to justice and is directly relevant to legal practice and theory as well as to the wider area of public and digital humanities.

In her research and teaching, Tatiana builds on her prior work experience of serving as court certified interpreter and translator and TEFL and ESP instructor. Tatiana regularly gives invited talks and participates in leading CPD workshops, acting as an expert evaluator of funded large scale collaborative projects, contributing to professional discussions (e.g. Transparency Projects) and acting as an external advisor (e.g. JUSTICE).

Postgraduate Supervision
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